ksingal [at] seas.upenn.edu

Hello! I am a first year PhD student in the University of Pennsylvania Theory Group, where I am incredibly fortunate to be advised by Erik Waingarten and Sanjeev Khanna. My research interests lie in algorithm design and complexity for problems in high dimensional geometry, graph theory, and machine learning.

Previously, I graduated from Columbia University, where I studied computer science and math. During my undergraduate years, I was fortunate to be mentored by Alexandr Andoni, Xi Chen, and Ralph Morrison.



In Fall 2023, I was a co-mentor for the boolean function analysis group as part of the Columbia Undergraduate TCS Learning Seminar. At Columbia, I served as a teaching assistant for 4 different course offerings.




In the past, I participated in the SMALL REU and interned as a software engineer at Apple and AWS. In my free time I enjoy writing, reading fiction, playing music, playing all kinds of sports, and hiking.