Hello! I am a first year PhD student in the University of Pennsylvania Theory Group, where I am incredibly fortunate to be advised by Erik Waingarten and Sanjeev Khanna. My research interests lie in algorithm design and complexity for problems in high dimensional geometry, graph theory, and machine learning.
Previously, I graduated from Columbia University, where I studied computer science and math. During my undergraduate years, I was fortunate to be mentored by Alexandr Andoni, Xi Chen, and Ralph Morrison.
- On the Size and Complexity of Scrambles
- The Gonality of Chess Graphs
- $\text{MC}^2$: Rigorous and Efficient Directed Greybox Fuzzing
with Seamus Connor, Steven DiSilvio, Sasha Kononova, Ralph Morrison
[arXiv] In Submission
with Nila Cibu, Kexin Ding, Steven DiSilvio, Sasha Kononova, Chan Lee, Ralph Morrison
[arXiv] In Submission
with Abhishek Shah, Dongdong She, Samanway Sadhu, Peter Coffman, Suman Jana
[arXiv] ACM CCS 2022
- CS 4232 Advanced Algorithms [Spring 2024]
- CS 4236 Computational Complexity Theory [Fall 2023]
- CS 4231 Analysis of Algorithms [Spring 2023]
- CS 4231 Analysis of Algorithms [Fall 2022]
- Solution manual to Analysis of Boolean Functions exercises [pdf]
- Chip Firing Interface [website][github]
- NSF GRFP 2024 Honorable Mention